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In Loving Memory...


If you would like to inlcude your purebred German Shepherd who has passed away, please kindly make a minimum $50 donation toward The Relocation Project. Donate via the PayPal Donate button on the Home page and submit your shepherd's tribute to


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Koda brought so much life into our home from day one. Like many shepherds, she was a talker and loved to make herself heard. She spent her days sleeping under my desk while I worked, occasionally waking up to play frisbee in the yard. Before her cancer diagnosis, she was my running partner and loved to sprint down our street when she saw we were close to home.


Koda was diagnosed with lymphoma at the age of 5 and amazingly had over a year of remission. Her remission was wonderful and she never knew she was sick. She got lots of extra playtime, lake trips and special food during her remission. We are so grateful we got to spoil her during her time. When her cancer returned, it was sudden and she behaved like her normal self until her last day. She passed with her family at her side and was laid to rest in a beautiful spot on our family farm. She made a huge impact on us in her short 6 years and we're so grateful we got to make her part of our family

-The Muhlheizler Family


Macey(Maedchen) came into my life in 2013. I remember the day when Macey and I came home(of course we had to stop for a cheeseburger) She loved her squeaky balls, being outside, going wherever I went and lounging in her chair.  I was not sure about all of your past but I tried to give her the best life a baby could have. Thank you for the 6 wonderful years we had together. My heart is heavy with sadness but knowing she’s pain free and happy warms my heart.  Run sweet girl

-Tammy Schroeder, Macey's Mom


Sheba came to us from the rescue as a senior dog who had been through things no dog should suffer through. Despite her past, she loved us immediately and unconditionally. From the day we picked her up from the rescue she and I bonded. She became my protector. We had four wonderful years filled with Sheba love. She passed away on August 15, 2017 - almost four years to day of when we brought her home. I hope she’s somewhere where she can run and play pain free and what keeps me going is that I know one day I’ll find her again. I will miss the clicks of her nails on the floors, the tumbleweeds of fur, and most of all her head nuzzles. Our hearts are heavy with sadness but knowing she’s pain free and remembering her loving nature is helping get us through.

- The Glass Family (Kasey, Justin, Lillian and Brixie)


Sweet Hector. We have no idea what his life was before he was rescued by GSD Rescue. What we do know is that there was something about him that touched anyone who met him. In our ten short months with him, he was loved so much. He got to go camping, car rides, had a huge yard that he shared with our two other dogs. And a doggie door to come and go as he wanted. We sure do miss you Hector. Wish we could have kept you longer.
You can now run pain free.
Joseph and Tamie Luckett


I made a donation in honor of my precious Molly of whom I sent skyward to heaven in Gods precious care on April 6, 2015.. I have had many dogs but she was very special to me. A stray in 2003, came to my house with malnourishment, torn pads and overwhelming amount of love. I couldn't get her to come to me and I lost track of her which devastated me. I gave her a freedom ride from Anderson several days later when I found her again at the shelter. She gave love unconditionally. Survived heart worm and pulled me thru some darks days when I thought my life didn't matter. It mattered to her. She wAs 14 when she passed with cancer. I had her euthanized at my house and cremated. She died with dignity and was given the utmost respect. I will always love her. My life will never be the same.
-Kathy Collier


I am making a tribute to the senior girls that have come here or come back home to be taken care of. Some were here longer than others but they have all made a tremendous impact on the lives of my wife and family. They have taught us more than we could ever have given to them. We are suckers for a senior and to anyone that has adopted/fostered you have been given an incredible gift and only those who have done this will understand. The pain of loosing a part of someone that has become your family is hard. It no way compares to what you get in return. 



Allie, you were gone for almost 6 years. I have no doubt that you came back home to spend you final time with your original family. You were my first GSD. We love you and are grateful you were able to come home to spend the rest of your life with your family.

 -Jon, Kelly, Evyn, Alex Duke










Millie, we did not expect to bring you home when I helped facilitate your rescue. You were here and made you presence known. I know you are no longer in pain and have all the basketballs you can chew. Run free sweet girl. 

 -Jon, Kelly, Evyn, Alex Duke


Sheba, you came here sick and then turned in to a sock eating monster. Your personality could not be held back. You just needed someone willing to allow a great senior to find a home. We love you, and when you and I find each other again, I want the money you chewed out of my wallet. We love you sweetheart. 

 -Jon, Kelly, Evyn, Alex Duke


"We gave our beautiful German Shepherd, William, back to the Lord in 2011. He was almost 12. He majestically battled GSDM for 3 years, and was helped for a long period of time by Dr. Clemmons' therapy and the care of the late, and great, Dr. Dennis Graham.  We will always miss and love our dear boy but we know that he is in a place where he can run and play without pain, limitation, or dysfunction... as he deserves. God bless his little heart. St. Francis, please hold him in the palm of your hand. Lord, please glorify his soul."

-Richard and Melodee Vicars



He came to us at about 6 months of age; abused, afraid of everything, full of parasites & heartworm +...but with his beautiful, gentle spirit intact. He actually loved to smell the flowers.

Beautiful boy…peering through the fence with those soulful, love-me eyes…you stole our hearts, then gave them back, fuller than they were when you took them.

Beautiful boy, gentle giant, sweet Ferdinand, a Prince among dogs…the world thinks we rescued you, but truly, you saved us!
RIP Tonka, 6/8/2001 – 12/17/2014.

-Kaye Amend


No, Anja wasn’t a “rescue”, but she rescued me and her departure has left a hole in my heart that will last forever.  She was my first GSD, paving the path for all the special dogs that have blessed us with their love since. 


Play free at the bridge, dear girl – we will join you someday.

-Tim and JoAnne Fox


Bailey came to me as a foster in 2012 and again in 2013. I was proud to finally make him an official member of my pack. He was a bit of a tortured soul who could not have needed me any more than I needed him! Bailey taught me that love is a lot of hard work, love doesn't disappear just because you are separated by Heaven and Earth, and most importantly to not take life too seriously. I cannot wait until the times comes that I can rub your belly again. My love for you is infinite Bailey-boo! -

-Dena Michelle Eades


Bunkie was our family’s first dog.  We rescued her as a puppy.  She was the best dog ever…….she rollerbladed with me, went for walks in the park with Mom and Dad, and loved to just lay in the grass at home while we would be outside.  One whistle and she would come running!  Bunkie developed bone cancer in her back leg and became an amputee, and she got along good on three legs.  Though everything was done to keep her healthy, sadly the cancer returned and she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Bunkie had a wonderful and happy life; she was loved, spoiled and truly a member of our family.  We miss her dearly, but are so grateful for the twelve years she was in our lives.  Love you Bunkie!!  6.19.93 – 6.6.05

- The Drabicki Family


I found Conan at the Indy Humane Society in 2001. He was 1 year old and had already been to 2 homes plus the breeders. I was going through a divorce. We both needed each other and became a great pair. He died in 2012 of hemangiosarcoma. I still miss him very much. He was my beautiful boy.

- Mary Ann Webb


When our youngest son, Conner was ten he wanted a German Shepherd. We already had a chocolate Lab so my response was, if you can save the money to buy and care for the GSD, you can get one.Conner's grandfather taught the boys to research the traits of the breed before adopting so he started reading everything he could about German Shepherds.Soon enough, Conner had saved enough money to adopt a GSDS puppy. He chose a female and named her Gypsy. The owner was impressed about how much Conner knew about the breed.  She said he asked more informed questions then her adult adopters.So, Gypsy became part of our family. She was truly the best dog. She became the mother hen and teacher of our growing family.We lost Gypsy to the Rainbow Bridge when she was nine from cancer of the spleen. She will forever be irreplaceable.

-Conner, Paxton, Bart, and Angi



We were introduced to Oliver by a rescue in October of 2013...someone had found him running loose with no collar and no chip.  We  were immediately attracted to him...he was so confident and full of himself...even at the kennel while still in custody he had a spirit about him that was remarkable.  There was a sparkle in his eyes.  I reached out for him and he literally jumped up on me and gave me a hug.  We had to wait out the week to give his people time to find him, but when 4:00 o'clock Friday came, he was ours.  We paid the adoption fee, he jumped in the truck and we were off on a year long adventure.  He was great...the  bestest dog ever.  He was big and strong, about 90 pounds...confident and assertive.  We would take our walks through the park, and he would literally strut when we saw someone...he was bigger than life, and as smart as a tack...much smarter than either of us.  Despite being the very definition of "alpha dog", he melded with our other critters without incident.  Within a day or two Bentley, our other GSD, and Hooper, our pointer, and Champ Cat, all loved him.  He brought us all fun and adventure.  And, he was so talkative.  He announced everyone's arrival...talked to other dogs in the park, and with his head out the truck window, he'd talk to people walking down the street.  Such a free spirit with so much much more life to much more of himself to give  He made us feel good.  He made us feel important.  And, he certainly made us feel safe.  Wasn't nobody coming through that front door unless Ollie said it was okay.  It's not that he ever threatened anyone...we never once heard him growl…it's just that he had such a presence.  It was his house.  We were his family.  We loved that guy so much.  He got away from us one Saturday afternoon this past October, and after three days of frantic searching, some kind soul found him and lead us to him.  We were so blessed to be able to bring him home, and lay him to rest near the garden. Now his spirit runs free...and he carries with him a piece of our hearts.  We miss him so.  Run Oliver, run.

-Kent Lamb


Roxy was a part of my life for 10 years.  She "rescued me" many many times.  She holds such a special place in my heart.  I still cry when I think about it.  Sometimes a dog comes into your life and changes you -- she was definitely that GSD for me.

- Lisa Sullivan 


A little over 2 years ago we lost our sweet Sadie to cancer. Sadie was a wonderful dog, a great friend and protector of our boys, and most importantly an irreplaceable part of our family.  We will love and miss you always Sadie girl. - Amy and Eric Stewart



Scout's parents are still creating his memorial. 


Scout came to us as a stray in 1985 – skinny but ever so loving and curious, hence the name. 


He was my best friend and protector, he was friendly to everyone unless they were threatening to me or my son Dustin, then he stepped in firmly. He would lick my tears away when I cried, and always sleep 

beside my bed or with my son.

Scout lived 18 years!!..... we were devastated when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge, he and my son are together once again, so I chose his picture of Scout and Dustin ‘camping’ in the back yard – look at the smiles on their faces.


Mommy misses you both fiercely! - Christy Merriman


I lost my girl, Tippy, on the day of the Indianapolis mini-marathon, 2006, at the age of 14. She battled Degenerative Myelopathy for nearly a year including a few months confined to a doggy wheelchair due to her progressing paralysis. She was a true fighter in the GSD way until the very end. This dog was my soul-dog, and she saved my life...literally. It has been 8 years now, and here I sit with tears streaming like it was yesterday. Rest in Peace, my dear girl. You were loved beyond measure.- Nikki Steveson


In Loving Memory of Rod and Tucker


In June 2013, I brought Tucker home from IACC to foster for this rescue. He was a broken soul with a few different infections. Over a few weeks, his spirit was renewed, and he was brought back to health and a stunning GSD. After 3 months of fostering, we adopted him. 


Just over a week after we adopted Tucker, Rod (my husband) was killed in the line of duty. EOW 9/20/2013. Sadly, I had to euthanize Tucker almost 2 months to the day after losing Rod. It was determined during surgery that he had intestinal torsion. Tucker passed on 11/19/13 with me and 2 friends by his side. He was the most beautiful, loyal, protective, loving shepherd. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Tucker and memories of him and Rod together. I am at peace knowing Tucker has been reunited with his "Daddy" in Heaven. God love them both. -Jamie Bradway

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